The Fred Hollows Foundation

Q1. What is the main focus of your charity?: The Fred Hollows Foundation is an international development organisation, focusing on blindness prevention and Australian Indigenous health. We are independent, not-for-profit, politically unaligned and secular.

We see a world where no one is needlessly blind and Indigenous Australians exercise their right to good health. We are inspired by the life and work of the late Professor Fred Hollows, an internationally acclaimed eye surgeon and an activist for social justice who championed the right of all people to high quality and affordable eye care and good health.

Q2. How important are donations to your charity? The Fred Hollows Foundation cannot restore sight without the generous support of the Australian public and significant partners such as the Australian Government, corporate and private organisations. Without donations, we could not train local eye surgeons, we could not build eye hospitals or provide essential medical equipment and we could not perform sight-restoring surgery. Donations simply make all of this possible – whether it is replacing a cloudy cataract, preventing diabetic retinopathy, or providing antibiotics for Trachoma.

During significant growth, The Foundation has maintained it’s lean cost/income ratio, with 73% of funds going directly to our program work. By supporting 25000 Spins you will be making a difference the world can see. Thank you!

Q3. What difference will your donation make?
Today there are still 36 million people who are blind and the challenge is huge and growing. We know that 4 out of 5 blind people don’t need to be and we know how to help these people. With your support we can eliminate avoidable blindness. A simple 15 minute procedure costing as little as $25 can restore blinding cataract and change a live forever. Gabi Hollows says that Fred would be blown away to see what The Foundation has accomplished thanks to the generosity of the Australian public.