Are we there yet….

After 4 days and 2 countries we arrived into Paris. The 2010 trip has been an excellent success. With over £28,000 raised so far and counting. Paris 2010     leaping          ...

The cycle begins….

 This time tomorrow we will have begun our journey to Paris. I am nervous but excited. A few quotes to focus €œFocus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.€  Greg Anderson€œTo get through the hardest journey we...

About to fly out

Only a few hours now before I will fly out to London then just a few more days and ill be meeting all the excited cyclists to begin an adventure to Paris. This year as last year has had its highs and lows in the lead up to the trip. Booking accomodation, trains, the...
Leg wax for a cause to raise $2,000. Be part of the pain.

Leg wax for a cause to raise $2,000. Be part of the pain.

Yesterday at work I sent out an email to see if I could gather support for another crazy fundraising idea. This time it was waxing my legs. I have never done this so for me its rather insane. My email out is below. Valeries beauty clinic has come to the rescue to wax...

ADRA Making a difference with 25000spins

Hi fellow cyclists.  This is an update from ADRA on the project overall: All three schools identified as options for €˜SAFE€™ schools have no had protective fencing installed and support through the project to establish policies and practices to not only provide...

Great Ocean rd 2014

Time flies along. Less than two weeks to go before we set out on the Great Ocean rd 2014. $113k raised so far. With the aim of $200k I am hoping we will come close and fundraising will accelerate alot in the last two weeks....

Over $198,000 raised on the Great Ocean rd 2014

Another year and another amazing Great Ocean rd trip. Over $198,000 has been raised for ADRA, Compassion, Botswana Orphan project and the Fred Hollows foundation. We had such fantastic feedback from riders. Check out what the riders said.  group shot Great Ocean rd...