Positive attitude

A healthy attitude is the key to achieving anything beyond your capabilities. A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright,Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching? ~Dennis...

What its all about..

The money raised for ADRA on the 25000spins London to Paris trip 2010 has gone to the following very worthwhile project and cause. A tenner (£10) will feed a hungry child in Niger for two months! A meal of millet porridge for breakfast followed by beans and rice for...

Switzerland – Wow

Switzerland is one of those places that photos fail to capture. The dramatic scenery is awesome.   Jumping two   Swiss cycling group   Day 4 is not for the faint hearted. Mountain biking in St Moritz is wow.com.   Mountain biking in St Moritz   €œI’ve always...

Paris. Yeeeharr

The final day begins with perhaps abit more stiffness but alot more excitement then the first day. Paris is less than 110 km away.   final day   4 days and approx 360 km and we crest the final hill with a stunning view of the Eiffel tower. Arriving into Paris is a...


I arrived into London Friday afternoon after an excellent flight from Australia. I was super fortunate to have four seats to myself. Yesterday I took the bike I will ride to Paris out for a spin in Richmond park. It was so light it almost seemed abit unfair to the...

25000spins in the news

A video about the Great Ocean rd trip. Over $40,000 raised for ADRA, Compassion and the Botswana Orphan project. To be part of next years trip sign up at          

Money raised from Great Ocean rd Ride How will it help?

The money raised for the Botswana Orphan project will go to build a classroom for the orphanage in Thamaga. See the plans for the classroom.. The money will also help kick start the new orphanage. A few stories of some of the children who will attend the orphanage...