Where: Dubrovnik

Distance: 2,300 km

After a week relaxing on the Island of Korcula with my Aunties family I feel refreshed and certainly a lot fatter than I arrived.
Most of life in the village of Blato revolves around food. Every opportunity is ceased for some celebrations. To eat, tell stories and jokes are a central part of life. It is certainly a great way to live.



I went fishing a few times, picked grapes and figs and generally took life very slowly. Not that riding a bike each day puts you in the fast lane of life.

Father and son

Father and son

The town is very small and everyone seems to very much know everybody else. Popping down to the corner store is not possible as every few steps results in my Auntie stopping to chat to someone. Everybody seems loosely connected in someway with each other which would certainly result in nobody feeling lonely.



Last night I went to my Aunties nephews wedding which was an eye opening experience. The celebrations begun at two in the afternoon and didn€™t start to slow until 4am. Much song and dance and honking of the car horns surrounded the wedding celebrations. Food of course seemed to flow endlessly. I wisely paced myself as food was still arriving at 2am.

The celebrations began at the grooms house and then moved onto the brides house. Everyone then goes onto the church, then the dancing and feasting start in full swing. The video is of the arrival of the groom at the brides house.

“Men are April when they woo, December when they wed. Maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives.” William Shakespeare