Naresh Kumar completes a Heart-breaking Bike Ride from India to Germany! Kiwi-Indian Kumar has inspiringly completed an epic bike ride! He set off from Chennai, India, on February 27 and arrived in Hamburg, Germany, on May 25 this year ( He rode 8646km across two countries with the help of some friends and along with some strangers. “Stangers across 13 countries is what really helped me to successfully complete the mission,” Kumar added. He was moved from the generosity among the people because the languages were never been a barrier for them to help him in every possible way.
His motivation to keep his paddle throughout his mission is to raise awareness of human trafficking and generate funds to help the victims of bonded labor slavery. “Freedom is the highest form of living and yet there are an estimated 40 million people in slavery and 25 percent of them are children under the age of 18.” This was the reason why Kumar keeps investing his time in raising awareness for this cause. He uses “extreme human-powered adventures” as a way to share this story and raise awareness around the world. No wonder he’s also known to be an “Outdoor Hero”, the name fits him well! Kumar is now working with charities to help in the rescue and rehabilitation of the victims of bonded labor slavery in India and other parts of the world. He’s making a difference and to show that there is still goodness in the world.
The 25000spins salute our “Outdoor Hero”, Naresh Kumar for being an inspiration to everyone in helping those in poverty. We are one in helping reduce global poverty and making a difference in our world by giving an Adventure with Heart. Let us raise this awareness through an adventure with a cause. Let us not stop there, do not limit yourself! A man who has the heart to help can move a mountain and make impossible things, be possible!