Fundraising Profile Beth Harper
Fundraising Profile Beth Harper
Fundraising Profile Beth Harper
Fundraising Profile Sally Dymond
Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise?
I am doing a charity garage sale on Dec 5th.
Q2: How have you found peoples interest in what you are doing?
I am not sure yet.
Q3: Have there been any surprises or interesting things happen to you as youfundraise?
Not yet. But I will let you know.
Q4: How is your training coming along?
It™s coming along.. rode the 100km bne- gold coast no problems¦ trying to get in 2-3 rides a week..
Q5: What has kept you motivated to raise so much money?
I loved Africa when I first visited there 20 yrs ago¦ and I™ve always wanted to do the Great Ocean Ride.