Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise?
I’ve been bringing up the ride in general
conversation over the last few months with family, friends and work colleagues to raise awareness of the fact I will be looking to raise money for Bikes4Life.
They have been supportive with time and money – work colleagues helped me to run a bake sale in the foyer of my building which raised almost $500!
Q2: How have you found peoples interest in what you are doing?
People have loved the idea of riding to raise money for a charity which then donates bikes to people in poverty to help with access to education, food, water etc.
Q3: Have there been any surprises or interesting things happen to you as you fundraise?
I’ve been blown away by the number of work colleagues who cooked cakes, slices and desserts to sell at the stall. Then several also made cash donations on top of buying treats at the stall.
Q4: How is your training coming along?
I started training in earnest in early December and feel like I’m ready to ride almost 400km over 3 days. I’ve covered just about all the hills we have in Brisbane and have found Zwift to be a great training aid if I’m short on time.
Q5: What has kept you motivated to raise so much money?
The motivation to keep raising money comes from hearing first hand from Bikes4life volunteers about the difference they see in the lives of people when they have transport available. Its been refreshing to hear comments from people when you talk to them about the charity and they are aware of their work and get excited about donating to keep the projects going.