Fundraising Profile Tiffany Sharp

Jan 20 2025

Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise?

I have mixed it up a bit to capture different audiences.  I have had very few individual donations so far but have hosted a fun ‘Eurovision Pizza Party’ where we watched Eurovision and I made home made pizzas, a massage therapist friend came and gave $1 a minute massages, a bake sale at work (my staff cooked as well and we sold to other departments) which raised $238 and I will have another one in July, I have a sausage sizzle coming up, a Christmas in July dinner – $25 a head at my house (with a friend helping me whip up a roast dinner for 20), and a pamper afternoon with afternoon tea and $5 entry with facials, massage and nails available – pay per service…

Tiffany bake sale

Q2: How have you found peoples interest in what you are doing?

People are definitely interested, think I am either amazing or crazy for attempting it

Q3: Have there been any surprises or interesting things happen to you as youfundraise?

One of the few individual donations I have received was from another manager at work who I really didn’t expect to – nice to have something come out of left field.

Q4: How is your training coming along?

I am training about 4-5 days a week now, 200-250kms per week.  I commute a couple of days and have added in some hill work at Mt Gravatt mountain and Mt Cootha before work – I need all the training I can get!  It’s getting chillier in the mornings but I am always glad when I get going.  Fighting a head cold this week so have given myself some time off.

Q5: What has kept you motivated to raise so much money?

One of my sons was diagnosed with an unusual eye condition when he was about 8yrs old – he was able to have preventative measures put in place.  If not, he would have been legally blind by the age of 15yrs.  I see him now at 19yrs of age living life to the full and only having to wear contact lenses.  If he was born in another country or outback Australia, his future would have been very different.  This motivates me to raise money to give others the opportunity of life changing eye surgery.
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